


平成23年度 科学英語II (Scientific English II)

 生命科学科3年生12名による英語によるポスター発表が2012年2月3日午後に百年講堂で行なわれました。発表内容は第3学年前期に設定された「早期研究室体験実習」での体験・成果を基に、英文論文を作成し、最後に口頭発表用にポスターとしてまとめたものです。この模擬国際会議ポスター発表(Mock International Conference Poster Presentations)はタイトルから内容まで学生自身が工夫して作成したものです。発表当日は直接研究をご指導いただいた教室の先生にも参加していただき、会場では英語による活発な質疑が行われ、最後に参加者によるベストポスターの投票が行なわれました。学生がこの成果発表をまとめるために研究室体験で指導された諸先生には多大なご協力をしていただきましたことに心から感謝申し上げます。


担当教員のChristine Kuramoto先生からは次のようなコメントをいただきました。

The 3rd Annual Mock International Poster Conference

This year marked the 3rd annual Mock International Poster Conference for our 3rd year biomedical science students. The students worked hard to create posters in English from their early exposure research experience. The students’ mentors gave them valuable advice as they prepared their posters and got ready to present them in English. I was very proud of the enthusiasm with which this year’s class prepared and practiced their posters.

One of the highlights for me this year was getting some very positive feedback from a PhD student who had attended the Mock Conference every year since we began. The student told me that this activity had been very educational for him as well as the students presenting. He said that he feels that over the 3 year period, he has become better able to understand all of the presentations and ask questions to each presenter. He could clearly recognize, this year, that he has broadened his knowledge of both science and English as he watched the wide variety of scientific research which the students presented.

I hope that this experience will continue to educate both the presenters and the attendees to the mock conference.

Christine Kuramoto

Christine Kuramoto(医学教育学)、岩城 徹(神経病理学)

■  学生の感想文